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'''Ø''' ({{w|ø}}) is a vowel ([[bwym]]) and a letter ([[jixbuo]]) used in the [[Tanbeh-gie|Danish]], [[Log'uy-gie|Norwegian]] languages.
'''Ø''' ({{w|ø}}) is a vowel ([[bwym]]) and a letter ([[jixbuo]]) used in the [[Tanbeh-gie|Danish]], [[Log'uy-gie|Norwegian]] languages.
== MLT Usage ==
In [[Modern Literal Taiwanese]], this letter is used for the sound written in [[POJ]] and [[TL]] as a plain ''o'', and spoken variously as [o], [ɤ], [ə]. For example, [[hør]] (good), [[øar]] (oyster), [[ørgiøo]] (jelly fig), and [[Ørciw]] (Australia) are all written with ''ø''. The [[MLT final]]s ''{{x|ø}}'' and ''{{x|iø}}'' appear in all [[Tones of Taiwanese|seven tones]], including ''{{x|øh}}'' and ''{{x|iøh}}''.
The digraph ''[[øe]]'' can be used for unified spelling across dialects.
== Computers ==
* {{w|macOS}}: {{w|option key}} and o
* {{w|iOS}}: hold down o to see options
* Microsoft Windows:
** Alt-0248: hold Alt and input 0248 on the '''keypad'''
** using the "United States-International" keyboard setting, it can be typed by holding down the "Alt-Gr" (right Alt) key and pressing "L"
* MS Word: Ctrl / together, then press o
* {{w|Unicode}}, '''Ø''' is U+00D8 and '''ø''' is U+00F8
* HTML {{w|named character reference}} ({{w|numeric character reference}}):
** <tt>&amp;Oslash;</tt> (<tt>&amp;#216;</tt>)
** <tt>&amp;oslash;</tt> (<tt>&amp;#248;</tt>)
==History in Written Taiwanese==
[[Taiwanese Modern Spelling System]] originally used an "o" crossed by a backslash. This was replaced by "ø" in [[MLT|Modern Literal Taiwanese]]. In some cases it is convenient to use "[[Q]]" or "0" in place of "ø".
== Other uses ==
* {{w|Ø, Denmark}} is a piece of land in the valley of the Nørreå in the eastern part of Jutland, Denmark. Its name means "island".

{{MLT Alphabet}}
{{MLT Alphabet}}



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