Taiwanese phrasebook: Difference between revisions

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→‎Basics: il, ptj, rm løkax
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==Phrase List==
==Phrase List==
;{{tts|Lie hør}}! / {{tts|Lirn hør}}! :Hello.
;{{tts|[[Lie]] hør}}! / {{tts|[[Lirn]] hør}}! :Hello.
;Lie hør`bøo? :How are you?
;Lie hør`bøo? :How are you?
;{{tts|Hoangeeng kongliim}}. ([[wikt:歡迎光臨|歡迎光臨]]) :Welcome.
;{{tts|Hoangeeng kongliim}}. ([[wikt:歡迎光臨|歡迎光臨]]) :Welcome.
;{{tts2|Lie ciaqpar`boe|Lie ciaqparboe)}}? (你[[ciaqpar|食飽]]未?) :How are you? (Have you eaten?)
;{{tts2|Lie [[ciaqpar]]`boe|Lie ciaqparboe)}}? ({{tj|}} 食飽`未?) :How are you? (Have you eaten?)
;{{tts|Ciaqpar`aq!}} ([[ciaqpar|食飽]]啊) :I have eaten!
;{{tts|[[Ciaqpar]]`aq!}} (食飽`{{tj|啊}}) :I have eaten!
;{{tts|Bexbae}}! Ar lie`leq? (我[[wikt:未僫|未僫]]! [[wikt:你呢|你呢]]?) :Not bad! , and you?
;{{tts|[[Bexbae]]}}! Ar lie`leq? ({{ptj|袂䆀}}, 你`{{tj|咧}}?) :Not bad! , and you?
;{{tts|Cyn-hør, tøsia.}} ([[wikt:真好|真好]],[[wikt:多謝|多謝]]) :Fine, thanks! (informal)  
;{{tts|Cyn-hør, [[tøsia]].}} ([[wikt:真好|真好]],[[wikt:多謝|多謝]]) :Fine, thanks! (informal)  
;{{tts|Hør, kafmsia.}} 好,[[wikt:感謝|感謝]] :Fine, thank you. (formal)
;{{tts|Hør, [[kafmsia]].}} 好,[[wikt:感謝|感謝]] :Fine, thank you. (formal)
;{{tts|Lie kiøx symmih miaa?}} (你叫啥物名?) :What's your name?
;{{tts|Lie kiøx [[symmih]] [[miaa]]?}} (你 叫 {{ptj|啥物}} 名?) :What's your name?
;{{tts|Goar ee miaa si...}} (我的名是...) : My name is ...
;{{tts|[[Goar]] ee miaa si...}} (我 ee 名 是...) : My name is ...
;{{tts|Cyn-hvoahie ka lie segsai!}} :Nice to meet you!  
;{{tts|Cyn-hvoahie ka lie [[segsai]]!}} :Nice to meet you!  
;{{tts|Chviar...}} : Please... (before a request)
;{{tts|Chviar...}} : Please... (before a request)
;{{tts|Paethog}} ([[wikt:拜託|拜託]]) :Please.  
;{{tts|Paethog}} ([[wikt:拜託|拜託]]) :Please.  
;{{tts|Mxbiern khehkhix}} ([[wikt:毋免|毋免]][[wikt:客氣|客氣]]) :You're welcome
;{{tts|[[Mxbiern-khehkhix]]}} ({{ptj|毋免}}[[wikt:客氣|客氣]]) :You're welcome
;{{tts|Si}} ([[wikt:是|是]]) :Yes. (''Note:Only some questions are answered with this. As with other varieties of Chinese, affirmation is generally done by repeating the verb in the question.'')
;{{tts|Si}} ([[wikt:是|是]]) :Yes. (''Note:Only some questions are answered with this. As with other varieties of Chinese, affirmation is generally done by repeating the verb in the question.'')
;{{tts|Mxsi.}} (毋是) :No.  
;{{tts|Mxsi.}} ({{ptj|毋是}}) :No.  
;{{tts|Løkax}} ([[wikt:勞駕|勞駕]]) :Excuse me. (''getting attention'')
;{{tts|[[Phvaysex]]}} ({{ptj|歹勢}}) :Excuse me. (''begging pardon'') / I'm sorry. (informal)
;{{tts|Phvaysex}} ([[wikt:歹勢|歹勢]]) :Excuse me. (''begging pardon'') / I'm sorry. (informal)
;{{tts|Sitlea}} ([[wikt:失禮|失禮]]) :I'm sorry. (formal)
;{{tts|Sitlea}} ([[wikt:失禮|失禮]]) :I'm sorry. (formal)
;{{tts|Zaekiexn}} ([[wikt:再見|再見]]) :Goodbye  
;{{tts|Zaekiexn}} ([[wikt:再見|再見]]) :Goodbye  
;{{TTS|Zaehoe}} ([[wikt:再會|再會]]) :Goodbye (''informal'')  
;{{TTS|Zaehoe}} ([[wikt:再會|再會]]) :Goodbye (''informal'')  
;{{tts|Goar bexhiao korng...}}(我袂曉講...) :I can't speak... [well].  
;{{tts|Goar bexhiao korng...}}(我 {{ptj|袂曉}} 講...) :I can't speak... [well].  
;{{tts|Goar bexhiao korng Enggie}} (我袂曉講英語) :I don't know how to speak English  
;{{tts|Goar bexhiao korng [[Engguo]]}} (我 袂曉 講 英語) :I don't know how to speak English  
;{{tts|Lie karm exhiao korng Enggie?}} (你敢會曉講英語?) :Don't you speak English?  
;{{tts|Lie karm [[exhiao]] korng Enggie?}} (你 敢 {{ptj|會曉}} 講 英語?) :Don't you speak English?  
;{{tts|Ciaf kafm'u laang exhiao korng Enggie?}}(遐敢有人會曉講英語?) :Is there someone here who speaks English?  
;{{tts|Ciaf kafm'u laang exhiao korng Enggie?}}({{tj|遐}} 敢有 {{tj|人}} 會曉 講 英語?) :Is there someone here who speaks English?  
;{{tts|Kiuolaang!}} (救人!) :Help!  
;{{tts|Kiuolaang!}} ({{ptj|救人}}!) :Help!  
;{{tts|Siøfsym!}} ([[wikt:小心|小心]]!) :Look out!  
;{{tts|Siøfsym!}} ([[wikt:小心|小心]]!) :Look out!  
;{{TTS2|Gauzar|Gaau-zar}}! ([[gauzar|gau早]]。) :Good morning.  
;{{TTS2|[[Gauzar]]|Gaau-zar}}! (gau早) :Good morning.  
;{{tts|Hør armmii.}} (好暗暝。) :Good evening. (Amoy)
;{{tts|Hør [[armmii]].}} (好 暗暝。) :Good evening. (Amoy)
;{{tts|Boafn'an}} ([[wikt:晚安|晚安]]) :Good night.  
;{{tts|Boafn'an}} ([[wikt:晚安|晚安]]) :Good night.  
;{{tts|Hør khuxn}} (好睏。) :Good night (''to sleep'')  
;{{tts|Hør khuxn}} (好 {{tj|睏}}。) :Good night (''to sleep'')  
;{{tts|Goar thviabøo.}}(我聽無。) :I don't understand.  
;{{tts|Goar thviabøo.}}(我 聽 {{tj|無}}。) :I don't understand.  
;{{tts|[[Piexnsor]] ti tøfui?}} (便所佇[[wikt:佗位|佗位]]?) :Where's the bathroom?  
;{{tts|[[Piexnsor]] ti tøfui?}} (便所 佇 {{ptj|佗位}}?) :Where's the bathroom?  
;{{TTS|Lie cyn suie}}! (你真[[wikt:媠|媠]]) :You are beautiful
;{{TTS|Lie cyn suie}}! (你 真 {{tj|媠}}) :You are beautiful

== SKBC ==
== SKBC ==


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