Taiwanese phrasebook: Difference between revisions

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No change in size ,  21:14, 14 May 2015
(→‎Basics: check Harnji against MoE)
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;{{tts|Chviar...}} : Please... (before a request)
;{{tts|Chviar...}} : Please... (before a request)
;{{tts|Paethog}} ([[wikt:拜託|拜託]]) :Please.  
;{{tts|Paethog}} ([[wikt:拜託|拜託]]) :Please.  
;{{tts|Mxbiern khehkhix}} ([[wikt:呣免|呣免]][[wikt:客氣|客氣]]) :You're welcome
;{{tts|Mxbiern khehkhix}} ([[wikt:毋免|毋免]][[wikt:客氣|客氣]]) :You're welcome
;{{tts|Si}} ([[wikt:是|是]]) :Yes. (''Note:Only some questions are answered with this. As with other varieties of Chinese, affirmation is generally done by repeating the verb in the question.'')
;{{tts|Si}} ([[wikt:是|是]]) :Yes. (''Note:Only some questions are answered with this. As with other varieties of Chinese, affirmation is generally done by repeating the verb in the question.'')
;{{tts|Mxsi.}} (毋是) :No.  
;{{tts|Mxsi.}} (毋是) :No.  


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