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- aarng'ang'aang (紅紅紅 x. aang - red etc)
- bahbahbaq (肉肉肉 (person) full-bodied; well-rounded; fleshy)
- jiirn'jinjiin (仁仁仁 x. jiin - firm & full)
- koaarn'koankoaan (懸懸懸 x. koaan - tall etc)
- loaan'loaxnloan (亂亂亂 x. loan - disorderly; chaotic)
- kaao'kauxkau (厚厚厚 x. kau - thick etc)
- zeerng'zexngzeng (靜靜靜 x. zeng quiet)
- kiirm'kimkym (金金金 x. kym - golden))
- khuiie'khuikhuy (開開開 x. khuy - wide open)
- thoor'thothoo (塗塗塗 x. thoo - in shambles & completely lost)
- kaao'kaokaux (夠夠夠 x. kaux - sufficient (cf. kaokaux))
- siirn'sirnsixn (信信信 x. sixn - believing without doubt)
- kof'kofkor (古古古 x. kor - ancient)
- leerng'lefnglerng (冷冷冷 x. lerng - cold; cool)
- seek'segsek (熟熟熟 x. sek - commonly seen; acquainted with)
- took'togtok (獨獨獨 x. tok - alone)
- siaap'siapsiab (澀澀澀 x. siab - bitter; astringent)
- siip'sipsib (溼溼溼 x. sib - moist (cf. sipsib))
- ang'aang (red)
- khuikhuy ((adj) opened. cf. khuy`khuy, meaning "to open")
- khiuxkhiu (QQ; chewy)
- lau-khokkhog, etc (Online Abbreviations)