Ø / ø 🔊 (Ø / LETTER O WITH STROKE) is a vowel (bwym) and a letter (jixbuo) used in the Danish, Norwegian languages.

MLT Usage

In Modern Literal Taiwanese, this letter is used for the sound written in TMSS as an o with a backslash. For example, hør (good), øar (oyster), ørgiøo (jelly fig), and Ørciw (Australia) are all written with ø. In many cases, the compound vowel øe may be substituted with "oe".

Computer Input

  • In macOS, hold the option key while pressing o (or O).
  • On Microsoft Windows:
    • Alt-0248: hold Alt and press 0248 on the keypad
    • using the "United States-International" keyboard setting, it can be typed by holding down the "Alt-Gr" (right Alt) key and pressing "L".
  • In MS Word and EmEditor, the ø can be typed with the following keystroke: ^/o (Ctrl+Slash+o). This means hold Ctrl press Slash, release, then press o.
  • In Mozilla Firefox with the abcTajpu plugin, one can input this by typing o, /, then Insert.

History in Written Taiwanese

Taiwanese Modern Spelling System originally used an o crossed by a backslash. This was replaced by ø in Modern Literal Taiwanese. In some cases it is convenient to use Q in place of ø. Usually the Q is made smaller font size.

Other uses

Ø, Denmark is a piece of land in the valley of the Nørreå in the eastern part of Jutland, Denmark. Its name means "island" (Danish: ø; Taigie: tøfsu).

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