Revision as of 19:47, 18 April 2014 by LearnTaiwanese (talk | contribs) (moved GinhQo-he to Ginhøo-he)
GinhQo-he (銀河系; Milky Way) si cidee kurn'afheeng kngflee ginhQo (barred spiral galaxy), tiaxm ti pwngiin-hQkuun (Local Group) laixtea. Thaeionghe tQ ti ginhQhe laixtea. GinhQo-he ma hQ zQx thienhQo.
GinhQo-he lofngzorng u 2 * 10¹¹ ~ 4 * 10¹¹ liap zhvef; tiongngf vipvoaa ee tidkexng 80,000 ~ 100,000 kngnii. Jidthaau li ginhQhe tiongsym 26,000 ~ 35,000 kngnii hng.