Tai-oaan (Harnji)
Taixoaan (MTLP: Tai+oaan)
- Two historical forms for the name of Taiwan (Harnji: 大員/大圓; MTL: Taixoaan; MTLP: Tai+oaan) (See wikt).
- Two other historical forms, 台員/台圓 (MTL: Taioaan; MTLP: Taai+oaan), sound like Taixoaan in the northern accent, historically found in Zoanciw, Hokkiexn.
- The modern Harnji for Taioaan is 台灣 (MTLP: Taai+oaan).
- Another old variant is 台窩灣 (MTL: Tai'Qoaan; MTLP: Taai+Qf+oaan).