Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan/Monosyllables
Frequently-Used Taiwanese Monosyllables were collected from the Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan (MoeDict).
Python's collections.Counter was used to count the frequency of the MTL monosyllables taken from the first section of the dictionary:
- 1,813 unique MTL were collected from 2,936 rows
- as expected, many MTL (39%) match more than one row. This affects 62% of rows
- however, 61% of MTL and 38% of rows uniquely match one-to-one
- 24% MTL match 2 rows (30% rows)
- 10% MTL match 3 rows (18% rows)
- 5% MTL match 4 to 6 rows (14% rows)
- the most matched MTL are lie, ky, køf, which have 7 matches each, affecting <1% MTL and rows