Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan/Frequency of syllables: Difference between revisions

m (sp)
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The syllables in the ''[[Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan]]'' were counted in the original [[TRS]] and are shown here in [[MTL]].  
The syllables in the ''[[Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan]]'' were counted in terms of [[Chinese characters]] ([[Harnji]]) and [[TL]].

== Top 100 most frequent MLT-Harnji pairs ==
== Top 100 most frequent, as Harnji-reading pairs ==
{{x|ar}} (仔), {{x|thaau}} (頭), {{x|laang}} (人), {{x|bøo}} (無), {{x|zuie}} (水), {{x|chiuo}} (手), {{x|toa}} (大), {{x|sym}} (心), {{x|khaf}} (跤), {{x|kofng}} (公), {{x|ciah}} (食), {{x|bin}} (面), {{x|zhuix}} (喙), {{x|hofng}} (風), {{x|zhaix}} (菜), {{x|chiaf}} (車), {{x|lo}} (路), {{x|zhud}} (出), {{x|jit}} (日), {{x|e}} (會), {{x|cit}} (一), {{x|u}} (有), {{x|jiin}} (人), {{x|tøe}} (地), {{x|kym}} (金), {{x|of}} (烏), {{x|hør}} (好), {{x|sii}} (時), {{x|hii}} (魚), {{x|kafng}} (工), {{x|hoef}} (花), {{x|sie}} (死), {{x|id}} (一), {{x|høea}} (火), {{x|zeeng}} (情), {{x|au}} (後), {{x|m}} (毋), {{x|hoe}} (會), {{x|pud}} (不), {{x|iuu}} (油), {{x|goa}} (外), {{x|bak}} (目), {{x|tiøh}} (著), {{x|oe}} (話), {{x|khix}} (氣), {{x|hae}} (海), {{x|hoad}} (法), {{x|peh}} (白), {{x|zøx}} (做), {{x|syn}} (身), {{x|ix}} (意), {{x|phaq}} (拍), {{x|nii}} (年), {{x|bøea}} (尾), {{x|cvii}} (錢), {{x|khie}} (起), {{x|siøf}} (相), {{x|seg}} (色), {{x|sefng}} (生), {{x|tien}} (電), {{x|su}} (事), {{x|lie}} (理), {{x|køef}} (雞), {{x|khafng}} (空), {{x|iøh}} (藥), {{x|tiofng}} (中), {{x|siin}} (神), {{x|buun}} (文), {{x|thea}} (體), {{x|hwn}} (分), {{x|hoad}} (發), {{x|zuo}} (主), {{x|khvoax}} (看), {{x|baq}} (肉), {{x|løh}} (落), {{x|tau}} (豆), {{x|bie}} (米), {{x|guu}} (牛), {{x|aang}} (紅), {{x|tong}} (動), {{x|svoaf}} (山), {{x|purn}} (本), {{x|kviar}} (囝), {{x|kud}} (骨), {{x|ciuo}} (酒), {{x|svef}} (生), {{x|laai}} (來), {{x|hak}} (學), {{x|chyn}} (親), {{x|uix}} (對), {{x|siw}} (收), {{x|lek}} (力), {{x|kog}} (國), {{x|khuy}} (開), {{x|ty}} (豬), {{x|tuix}} (對), {{x|phvae}} (歹), {{x|mngg}} (門), {{x|zhao}} (草), {{x|teng}} (定)
{{dftTuple|仔|ar}}, {{dftTuple|頭|thaau}}, {{dftTuple|人|laang}}, {{dftTuple|無|bøo}}, {{dftTuple|水|zuie}}, {{dftTuple|手|chiuo}}, {{dftTuple|大|toa}}, {{dftTuple|心|sym}}, {{dftTuple|跤|khaf}}, {{dftTuple|公|kofng}}, {{dftTuple|食|ciah}}, {{dftTuple|面|bin}}, {{dftTuple|喙|zhuix}}, {{dftTuple|風|hofng}}, {{dftTuple|菜|zhaix}}, {{dftTuple|車|chiaf}}, {{dftTuple|路|lo}}, {{dftTuple|出|zhud}}, {{dftTuple|日|jit}}, {{dftTuple|會|e}}, {{dftTuple|一|cit}}, {{dftTuple|有|u}}, {{dftTuple|人|jiin}}, {{dftTuple|地|tøe}}, {{dftTuple|金|kym}}, {{dftTuple|烏|of}}, {{dftTuple|好|hør}}, {{dftTuple|時|sii}}, {{dftTuple|魚|hii}}, {{dftTuple|工|kafng}}, {{dftTuple|花|hoef}}, {{dftTuple|死|sie}}, {{dftTuple|一|id}}, {{dftTuple|火|høea}}, {{dftTuple|情|zeeng}}, {{dftTuple|後|au}}, {{dftTuple|毋|m}}, {{dftTuple|會|hoe}}, {{dftTuple|不|pud}}, {{dftTuple|油|iuu}}, {{dftTuple|外|goa}}, {{dftTuple|目|bak}}, {{dftTuple|著|tiøh}}, {{dftTuple|話|oe}}, {{dftTuple|氣|khix}}, {{dftTuple|海|hae}}, {{dftTuple|法|hoad}}, {{dftTuple|白|peh}}, {{dftTuple|做|zøx}}, {{dftTuple|身|syn}}, {{dftTuple|意|ix}}, {{dftTuple|拍|phaq}}, {{dftTuple|年|nii}}, {{dftTuple|尾|bøea}}, {{dftTuple|錢|cvii}}, {{dftTuple|起|khie}}, {{dftTuple|相|siøf}}, {{dftTuple|色|seg}}, {{dftTuple|生|sefng}}, {{dftTuple|電|tien}}, {{dftTuple|事|su}}, {{dftTuple|理|lie}}, {{dftTuple|雞|køef}}, {{dftTuple|空|khafng}}, {{dftTuple|藥|iøh}}, {{dftTuple|中|tiofng}}, {{dftTuple|神|siin}}, {{dftTuple|文|buun}}, {{dftTuple|體|thea}}, {{dftTuple|分|hwn}}, {{dftTuple|發|hoad}}, {{dftTuple|主|zuo}}, {{dftTuple|看|khvoax}}, {{dftTuple|肉|baq}}, {{dftTuple|落|løh}}, {{dftTuple|豆|tau}}, {{dftTuple|米|bie}}, {{dftTuple|牛|guu}}, {{dftTuple|紅|aang}}, {{dftTuple|動|tong}}, {{dftTuple|山|svoaf}}, {{dftTuple|本|purn}}, {{dftTuple|囝|kviar}}, {{dftTuple|骨|kud}}, {{dftTuple|酒|ciuo}}, {{dftTuple|生|svef}}, {{dftTuple|來|laai}}, {{dftTuple|學|hak}}, {{dftTuple|親|chyn}}, {{dftTuple|對|uix}}, {{dftTuple|收|siw}}, {{dftTuple|力|lek}}, {{dftTuple|國|kog}}, {{dftTuple|開|khuy}}, {{dftTuple|豬|ty}}, {{dftTuple|對|tuix}}, {{dftTuple|歹|phvae}}, {{dftTuple|門|mngg}}, {{dftTuple|草|zhao}}, {{dftTuple|定|teng}}

== Top 100 most frequent syllables ==
== Top 100 most frequent MLT ==
The ten most frequent are: ''{{x|ar}}'' (867), ''{{x|thaau}}'' (291), ''{{x|kofng}}'' (170), ''{{x|chiuo}}'' (163), ''{{x|zuie}}'' (161), ''{{x|hofng}}'' (156), ''{{x|laang}}'' (152), ''{{x|sym}}'' (147), ''{{x|khaf}}'' (140), ''{{x|seg}}'' (133).  
The ten most frequent are: ''{{x|ar}}'' (867), ''{{x|thaau}}'' (291), ''{{x|kofng}}'' (170), ''{{x|chiuo}}'' (163), ''{{x|zuie}}'' (161), ''{{x|hofng}}'' (156), ''{{x|laang}}'' (152), ''{{x|sym}}'' (147), ''{{x|khaf}}'' (140), ''{{x|seg}}'' (133).  

The next 90 most frequent syllables are: {{x|hoad}}, {{x|ky}}, {{x|khix}}, {{x|syn}}, {{x|toa}}, {{x|kef}}, {{x|bøo}}, {{x|bin}}, {{x|kaf}}, {{x|te}}, {{x|chiaf}}, {{x|lie}}, {{x|lo}}, {{x|iuu}}, {{x|cie}}, {{x|sw}}, {{x|jiin}}, {{x|su}}, {{x|sefng}}, {{x|zhuix}}, {{x|oe}}, {{x|hwn}}, {{x|zhaix}}, {{x|kafng}}, {{x|zuo}}, {{x|tai}}, {{x|zhud}}, {{x|zeeng}}, {{x|khie}}, {{x|sii}}, {{x|heeng}}, {{x|hoea}}, {{x|jit}}, {{x|lek}}, {{x|køf}}, {{x|kex}}, {{x|kym}}, {{x|sex}}, {{x|hoe}}, {{x|siofng}}, {{x|ho}}, {{x|zexng}}, {{x|of}}, {{x|leeng}}, {{x|kii}}, {{x|hii}}, {{x|hoef}}, {{x|siøf}}, {{x|kor}}, {{x|lieen}}, {{x|koafn}}, {{x|zefng}}, {{x|bak}}, {{x|si}}, {{x|to}}, {{x|goa}}, {{x|bie}}, {{x|goaan}}, {{x|siin}}, {{x|buun}}, {{x|siw}}, {{x|nii}}, {{x|zex}}, {{x|peh}}, {{x|hoong}}, {{x|hae}}, {{x|cid}}, {{x|au}}, {{x|tong}}, {{x|tiofng}}, {{x|kefng}}, {{x|kaw}}, {{x|pud}}, {{x|tien}}, {{x|mngg}}, {{x|teng}}, {{x|kaux}}, {{x|kog}}, {{x|kae}}, {{x|tee}}, {{x|boea}}, {{x|ix}}, {{x|sie}}, {{x|buo}}, {{x|sexng}}, {{x|kerng}}, {{x|ciah}}, {{x|biin}}, {{x|tngg}}, {{x|khuy}}
The next 90 most frequent syllables are: {{x|hoad}}, {{x|khix}}, {{x|syn}}, {{x|toa}}, {{x|ky}}, {{x|bøo}}, {{x|bin}}, {{x|kaf}}, {{x|chiaf}}, {{x|lo}}, {{x|iuu}}, {{x|cie}}, {{x|jiin}}, {{x|sw}}, {{x|sefng}}, {{x|su}}, {{x|zhuix}}, {{x|oe}}, {{x|hwn}}, {{x|kafng}}, {{x|zhaix}}, {{x|tai}}, {{x|zuo}}, {{x|zeeng}}, {{x|zhud}}, {{x|khie}}, {{x|sii}}, {{x|heeng}}, {{x|lie}}, {{x|tøe}}, {{x|jit}}, {{x|lek}}, {{x|køf}}, {{x|kym}}, {{x|høea}}, {{x|ho}}, {{x|zexng}}, {{x|siofng}}, {{x|leeng}}, {{x|of}}, {{x|kii}}, {{x|kex}}, {{x|hoef}}, {{x|hii/huu}} ({{x|hii}}), {{x|kor}}, {{x|lieen}}, {{x|koafn}}, {{x|bak}}, {{x|si}}, {{x|hoe}}, {{x|zefng}}, {{x|siøf}}, {{x|to}}, {{x|goa}}, {{x|bie}}, {{x|goaan}}, {{x|buun}}, {{x|siin}}, {{x|siw}}, {{x|peh}}, {{x|zex}}, {{x|hae}}, {{x|køef}}, {{x|hoong}}, {{x|tiofng}}, {{x|au}}, {{x|kefng}}, {{x|pud}}, {{x|nii}}, {{x|tong}}, {{x|kaw}}, {{x|cid}}, {{x|teng}}, {{x|mngg}}, {{x|tien}}, {{x|kaux}}, {{x|kog}}, {{x|boea/bea}} ({{x|bøea}}), {{x|ix}}, {{x|kae}}, {{x|buo}}, {{x|sie}}, {{x|biin}}, {{x|sexng}}, {{x|ciah}}, {{x|kerng}}, {{x|tngg}}, {{x|sex}}, {{x|zeg}}, {{x|khuy}}

=== Method ===
=== Method ===
A frequency analysis was performed on the headwords of the ''[[Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan]]'' (as found in ''[[MoeDict]]''). All sections were used except Japanese loanwords and idioms, but only main headwords were included (alternate readings were excluded). Each [[TRS]] was broken down into syllables, yielding a total of 37,678 syllables, which included 2,128 distinct syllables.
A frequency analysis or syllable inventory was performed on the readings of headwords as found in ''[[MoeDict]]''. All sections were used except Japanese loanwords and idioms. A total count of 37,678 syllables yielded 2,128 distinct syllables (including tonal distinctions).

== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Modern Literal Taiwanese alphabet]]
* [[Modern Literal Taiwanese alphabet]]
* [[Table of all finals in MTL]]
* [[Table of all MLT finals]]
* [[Frequently-used Taiwanese monosyllables]]
* [[Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan/Monosyllables]]
