Modern Literal Taiwanese alphabet

Revision as of 16:22, 16 November 2019 by LearnTaiwanese (talk | contribs) (→‎Song: vowels)

The Modern Literal Taiwanese alphabet was "designed in accord with international usage". It uses 27 letters: one letter more than the English alphabet. The extra letter is the Scandinavian ø.

Letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Ø P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name a by cy ied e ef* gi hy i ji ky ly my ny o ø py kiuq ar sy ty u viw w ex* y zef
  • Helper note (*): efhw and exkix.


The 18 initial consonants are: p, ph, m, b, t, th, n, l, k, kh, h, g, c, ch, s, j, z, zh.

The initial consonants of MTL.
File:Initial consonants slow.mp3
The consonants (slower), plus sw and juo
MTL Approx. Example Meaning
p spin papaf father
ph pin phaq to hit
m Mimi mi noodle
b mumble baq meat
t stem tit straight
th Thomas theh to take
n neat nii year
l lima laang person
k ski kaf to add
kh key khix to go
h heap hii fish
g gaggle go five
c(i) gee ciaf here
ch(i) cheese chiaf car
s she / saw si is; yes
j vision / zeta jit sun; day
z yards zef this
zh Tsai (Ts'ai) zhaix vegetable
  • Note: s and j are "fricatives" when followed by i (IPA: [ɕ], [ʑ]).
  • The five aspirated consonants are each formed with two letters.
  • The top five frequently occurring consonants in MoeDict are: k, s, <none>, t, and h. The three least frequently are j, m, and n. K appears nearly 4,300 times, but n appears only 374 times.


  • Eight of the letters are always vowels: a, i, u, e, o, ø, y, w.
  • "y" and "w" are high tone vowels.
  • "m" can be a consonant or vowel.


See also

External links

MLT alphabet Aa | Bb | Cc | Dd | Ee | Ff | Gg | Hh | Ii | Jj | Kk | Ll | Mm | Nn | Oo | Øø | Pp | Qq | Rr | Ss | Tt | Uu | Vv | Ww | Xx | Yy | Zz