Taiwanese phrasebook

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Useful Taiwanese phrases (Source)

Phrase List


Lie hQr! / Lirn hQr!
Lie hQr`bQo? (你好否?)
How are you?
Hoangeeng kongliim. (歡迎光臨)
Li ciaqpar`boe? (你食飽未?)
How are you? (Have you eaten?)
Ciaqpar`aq! (食飽啊)
I have eaten!
Bexbae! Ar lie`leq? (我佅孬! 你呢?)
Not bad! , and you?
Cyn-hQr, tQsia. (真好,多謝)
Fine, thanks! (informal)
HQr, kafmsia. 好,感謝
Fine, thank you. (formal)
Lie kiQx symmih miaa? (你叫啥物名?)
What's your name?
Goar ee miaa si... (我的名是...)
My name is ...
Cyn-hvoahie ka lie segsai!
Nice to meet you!
Please... (before a request)
Paethog (拜託)
Mxbiern khehkhix (免客氣)
You're welcome
Si (是)
Yes. (Note:Only some questions are answered with this. As with other varieties of Chinese, affirmation is generally done by repeating the verb in the question.)
Mxsi. (毋是)
LQkax (勞駕)
Excuse me. (getting attention)
Phvaysex (否勢)
Excuse me. (begging pardon) / I'm sorry. (informal)
Sitlea (失禮)
I'm sorry. (formal)
Zaekiexn (再見)
Template:TTS ()
Goodbye (informal)
Goar bexhiao korng...(我未曉講...)
I can't speak... [well].
Goar bexhiao korng Enggie (我未曉講英語)
I don't know how to speak English
Lie karm exhiao korng Enggie? (你敢會曉講英語?)
Don't you speak English?
Ciaf kafm'u laang exhiao korng Enggie?(遐敢有人會曉講英語?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Kiuolaang! (救人!)
SiQfsym! (小心!)
Look out!
Template:TTS! (賢早。)
Good morning.
HQr armmii. (好暗暝。)
Good evening. (Amoy)
Boafn'an ()
Good night.
HQr khuxn (好睏。)
Good night (to sleep)
Goar thviabQo.(我聽無。)
I don't understand.
Piexnsor ti tQfui? (便所佇佗?)
Where's the bathroom?
Template:TTS! (你真媠)
You are beautiful