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Tengthah-suu (重疊辭 reduplication)

koaan, koankoaan, koaarn'koankoaan


You can repeat monosyllable A to get A'A, for some emphasis.


You can repeat a syllable A three times (A"A'A) to mean extremely A. Generally, the first syllable undergoes tone change to the rare rising tone (#6; see Tones of Taiwanese).

  • aarng'ang'aang
  • jiirn'jinjiin (仁仁仁 very full)
  • koaarn'koankoaan
  • loaan'loaxnloan
  • kaao'kauxkau (厚厚厚; thick)
  • zeerng'zexngzeng (靜靜靜; quiet)
  • kiirm'kimkym (kym; 金金金; extremely golden)
  • khuiie'khuikhuy (開開開; wide open)
  • thoor'thothoo ( ; to fail/lose completely)
  • kaao'kaokaux (夠夠夠; very sufficient, see kaokaux)
  • siirn'sirnsixn (?; ?)
  • kof'kofkor (古古古; ancient)
  • leerng'lefnglerng (冷冷冷; extremely cool)
  • seek'segsek (熟熟熟; very acquainted)
  • took'togtok (獨獨獨; very alone)
  • siaap'siapsiab (澀澀澀; very astringent)
  • siip'sipsib (溼溼溼; very moist. cf. sipsib, sib)
