Sample of vocabulary Taiwanese shares with Korean

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List of vocabulary Taiwanese shares with Korean


Harnji/Hanja Hangul Roman MTL Engguo
學生 학생 haksaeng hagsefng student
組合 조립 jorip zohap assemble
普通 보통 botong phofthofng common, normal
自動車 자동차 jadongcha zuxtoxngchiaf automobile
漢字 한자 hanja harnji Han Characters
新聞 신문 sinmun sinbuun news
下女 하녀 hanyeo haxlie maid
飛行機 비행기 bihaenggi poehengky/pehengky airplane
紹介 소개 sogae siauxkaix introduction
境遇 경우 gyeong'u kefnggu case, situation
換錢 환전 hwanjeon voaxcvii currency exchange
會社 회사 hoesa hoexsia Company, firm
家族 가족 gajok kazok faction
支援 지원 jiweon cioan support(computer term)
運轉 운전 unjeon uxnzoarn drive
調合 조합 chohap tiauhap concoction
chaek zheq book
kyo kiQo bridge
危險 위험 wi.heom guihiarm/huihiarm dangerous/danger
碩士 석사 seoksa segsu/seksu master's degree
漫畫 만화 manhwa baxn'oe comics
美術 미술 misul bysut art/fine arts
母語 모어 mo-eo bQfgie/bwguo mother tongue