Khix 🔊 (khi3) can refer to a few ideas:
去 (depart)
- 去: to go/to drop; to throw away
Usage Note
khix is an exception to the normal tone sandhi rules. It's pronounced in the high short tone (KQchiog-Ym) when followed by another word. For example, in "Lie beq khix tøfui 🔊?", the khix is spoken as khih (as if it was originally khiq.) Normally, a Tone 3 (Low Falling Tone, Extut-Ym) word will change into Tone 2 (Shouting-Out Tone, Sioxngtut-Ym). Note: beq (bøeq) is yet another exception.
氣 (air)
- 棄: reject/discard
- 器: receptacle/vessel/utensil