MTL Toolbox

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MTL Toolbox is a set of scripts written in PHP that aid in understanding of Modern Taiwanese Language (MTL) and researching Taiwanese vocabulary (gwsuu).

Dictionaries (Jixtiern)

MTL learning tools

  • MTL Word Details [2] - (aka MTL Explainer) input an MTL word to look it up in the HTB, TSS, link to Maryknoll, Taihoa, and TDJ dictionaries, and breakdown the word into syllables and where tone sandhi occurs. Input an MTL syllable to break it down into initial & final, describing all parts (consonants, vowel, and tone). Or choose a random word or syllable from TSS.
  • POJ vs MTL Demonstrator
    • Converts a POJ UTF-8 word into POJ ASCII, MTLN, MTLP, and MTL formats.
    • Can decompose an MTL word in the reverse direction.
  • MTL Text to Speech (TTS) 🔊 - simply paste an MTL sentence after the "q=" and listen right away!

MTL/POJ Conversion

See Also
