Y si Larn ee Pøfpoex

Revision as of 01:41, 20 December 2017 by LearnTaiwanese (talk | contribs) (mp3)

Y si Larn ee Pøfpoex 🔊 (伊是咱的寶貝; It’s our precious baby; File:Y si Larn ee PQfpoex.mp3)

MTL and English

Cidluie hoef svef løh te 🔊
Flower sprout from the land
Papaf, mamaf thviax sioxngzoe 🔊
Papa, Mama love so dear
Hofng na zhoef, aix kahphoe 🔊
If winds rise, cover well
Mxthafng ho y tuixløh o'axm-te 🔊
Don’t let it fall into to the dark world:
Boe-khuy ee hoef 🔊
Unbloomed flower
Su'iaux lie-goar ee koansym 🔊
will need care from you and me
Ho y cidphvix sengtiorng ee thofte 🔊
Offer it a nurturing land
Chiuo khafn chiuo, Sym lieen sym 🔊
Hand in hand, Heart to heart
Larn khia zørhoea 🔊
Together we stand.
Y si larn ee pøfpoex 🔊
It’s our precious baby

MTL only

Cidluie hoef svef løh te
Papaf, mamaf thviax sioxngzoe
Hofng na zhoef, aix kahphoe
Mxthafng ho y tuixløh o'axm-te
Boe-khuy ee hoef
Su'iaux lie-goar ee koansym
Ho y cidphvix sengtiorng ee thofte
Chiuo khafn chiuo, Sym lieen sym
Larn khia zørhoea
Y si larn ee pøfpoex


一蕊花 生落地
爸爸 媽媽 疼上濟
風若吹 愛蓋被
手牽手 心連心
