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460 Common Taiwanese Words written in MTL. See also Common Taiwanese phrases. Source: Taiguo Siong’iong 460-ji (台語文協會/2004年黃美雲整理)

Personal pronouns


  1. goar...I; me
  2. gurn...we; us; (not including listener)
  3. goarn...we; us; (not including listener)
  4. kaki...self
  5. larn...we; us; (includes listener)
  6. lie...you
  7. lirn...you (plural/exclusive)
  8. tag'ee...everybody
  9. taixkef...everybody; all the people
  10. y...he; she; it; his; her
  11. yn...they; them

Demonstrative pronouns


  1. cidee...one
  2. ciaf...here
  3. ciah'ee...these
  4. ciahniq'...such; so
  5. cit'ee...this one
  6. citkhoarn...this kind of
  7. hef...that one
  8. hiah'ee...those
  9. hiaf...there
  10. hiahniq'...in that way
  11. hit'ee...that one
  12. hitkhoarn...that kind ofz
  13. sviafkhoarn...what kind
  14. symmih'khoarn...what do you think
  15. zef...this one

Interrogative pronouns


  1. joaxkuo...how long
  2. joaxtoa...how big
  3. joaxzQe...how many; how much
  4. kuyee...how many
  5. kuyjit...how many days
  6. kuykafng...how many days
  7. kuytiarm...what time it is
  8. nar...how; why; what
  9. nar Qe...how come; how could this be possible
  10. sviafhQex...what
  11. sviaflaang...who
  12. sviar...what
  13. symmih...what
  14. symmih'laang...who
  15. tafcidee...which one
  16. tafcidhang...which item
  17. tafcidui...which one
  18. tangsii...when
  19. tafui...where
  20. tQfui...where
  21. uixhQo...why; for what
  22. ui-symmih...why; for what


  1. afnny...well…then
  2. afnzvoar...how
  3. ar...but; still
  4. chinchviu...as; such as; as if
  5. citmar...at this moment
  6. hafntid...rarely; seldom
  7. hQfkazaix...fortunately
  8. iar...or
  9. in'ui…sofie...because…therefore
  10. kab...and; with
  11. kiafmzhae...perhaps
  12. kaxngkhoarn...same ; similar
  13. koputciofng...be obliged; have no choice but to; reluctant
  14. lofngzorng...all; collectively
  15. ma...also; too
  16. mxbiern...not necessary; unnecessary; not have to
  17. mxkuo...but
  18. mxna...not only…
  19. na...if
  20. suxnsoax...conveniently
  21. pwntQea...at first; originally
  22. taxnsi...but
  23. tiaukafng...on purpose
  24. tiaukorix...on purpose
  25. tvaf...now
  26. twciaq...moment ago

Auxiliary verbs

  1. aix...want; like
  2. borng...content oneself with; may as well
  3. bQe...be not able to; not willing to
  4. bQeq...want; like
  5. bQexhiao...don't know
  6. bQexsae...it can not be; be not able to
  7. bQextaxng...it can not be; be not able to
  8. laai...let's ; come
  9. m...not
  10. maix...do not
  11. mxthafng...may not
  12. Qe...be able and willing to
  13. Qexhiao...know
  14. Qexsae...it may
  15. Qextaxng...be able to
  16. Qextitthafng...it can be; be able to
  17. phvae...it's bad to
  18. thafng...may
  19. tiQqaix...have to


  1. bQo-tviutii...unexpectedly
  2. ciog...very; very much
  3. ciu...then
  4. cyn-...very
  5. cviaa...very much
  6. iao...not yet
  7. iawbQe...not yet
  8. juo… juo...the more…the more
  9. kaix...very
  10. kaq...to
  11. kantvaf...only; merely
  12. khaq...more
  13. kQhkhaq...even more
  14. kQq...again; more
  15. kuikhix...simply; totally
  16. liampvy...at once
  17. lorng...all
  18. luo…luo...the more…the more
  19. niaxnia...only
  20. siong...the most
  21. sioxngkaix...the most
  22. suii...immediately
  23. svakab...together
  24. sviw...too much; too many
  25. teq...in the process of
  26. thaix...very
  27. thaothaux...thoroughly
  28. tQ...yet; though; then
  29. tvaf hai`aq...too bad
  30. twtwafhQr...just right


  1. ciaux...fellow
  2. ciofng...going to ; about to
  3. ho...to; by
  4. ka...with; to
  5. kab...with; and
  6. kaux...to; enough
  7. kuozai...indiscreetly; at one's convenience
  8. pie...compare
  9. suizai...at one's convenience; no matter; regardless
  10. ti...at; in
  11. tiaxm...at; in
  12. ti teq...in the process of
  13. tngf...when; at that moment
  14. tuix...right; correct
  15. tuy...from
  16. uixtiQh...for the sake of

Suffix particles indicating mood

  1. `aq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to mark the completion of action
  2. `ax...an enclitic at the end of sentence to mark the completion of action
  3. `bQe...did… or not
  4. `bQo...yes or not
  5. `hvoq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to indicate emphasize on interrogative mood
  6. `jiblaai...come in here
  7. `jibkhix...get in there
  8. jip`laai...come in
  9. jip`khix...to go in
  10. khix`aq...enclitics affixes to verbs to express completion of action
  11. `khylaai...get up to here
  12. `khykhix...get up to there
  13. `khylix...get up
  14. khvoarmai...just try it to see
  15. laq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to indicate recognition; affirmative; impatience; completion; request
  16. leq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to indicate command; emphasize on interrogative mood
  17. lQq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to indicate completion; exclamation; or emphasize
  18. `lQqkhix...downward to there
  19. `lQqlaai...downward to here
  20. oq...an enclitics at the end of sentence to indicate caution; exclamation;
  21. Qexsae`tid...okay; can be; may
  22. tiQh...affix to many verbs expressing accomplishment or taking effect


  1. aix...love; like
  2. ao...break and snap
  3. barn...pluck
  4. biq...hide
  5. bQviar...no such thing; groundless; unsubstantiated
  6. chi...raise; feed
  7. chiaau...to adjust; to move
  8. chiQf...be horny
  9. chitthQo...play; have fun
  10. chviaa...to raise kids
  11. chviar...to request; to ask; to invite
  12. chviax...hire
  13. chviux...to sing
  14. ciah...to eat
  15. ciaokhykafng...keep to the working routine
  16. cym...to kiss
  17. giaa...carry heavy thing over the shoulder
  18. giexn...to crave; addict
  19. giin...stare
  20. hahhi...yawn
  21. hao...roar; howl
  22. haxmbiin...talk in one's sleep; dreaming
  23. hiaam...to detest; to dislike
  24. hiin...dizzy
  25. hipsiong...take a picture
  26. hiQq...rest
  27. hiw...scream; shout
  28. hoaq...shout
  29. i...play
  30. jiarng...shout
  31. jiog...to chase; to follow
  32. kaam...hold in the mouth
  33. kah'ix...feel satisfied; take delight
  34. kaxn...intercourse
  35. kerng...choose; select
  36. khausQea...give sarcastic; ironical caustic comments
  37. khaw...speak ironically
  38. khia...stand
  39. khoarn...pack; prepare for travel
  40. khuxn...sleep
  41. khvoax...to see
  42. kiernsiaux...feel ashamed; embarrassed
  43. kiQrsi...assume; presume
  44. korng...to say; to speak
  45. koxng...hit
  46. kQeasyn...pass away; die
  47. kviaa...walk
  48. kvoa...carry by a handle
  49. kvoaa`tiQh...catch cold
  50. laosae...have loose bowel
  51. larm...embrace
  52. liah...catch; grasp
  53. liam...to read; to recite
  54. liaqzurn...presume
  55. liaxm...to drive; to expel
  56. lym...to drink
  57. ngx...face
  58. oar...recline; lean on
  59. QlQr...praise
  60. parngsag...give up; abandon
  61. phag...lying face down
  62. phahkhachviux...sneeze
  63. phahphvae`khix...ruin; spoil; make a mess of something
  64. phak jidthaau...be exposed to sunshine; sunbath
  65. pharngkvix...lose; misplace
  66. phoarpvi...get sick
  67. phvi...smell
  68. phuix...spit
  69. po...chew
  70. poah...fall down
  71. poaqkiao...gamble
  72. puun...blow
  73. saf...to grasp; to catch
  74. siafphQef...to write a letter
  75. siar...to write
  76. siongpurn...cost too much; too expensive; costly
  77. siuu...to swim
  78. siuxkhix...get angry; get upset
  79. soahsoaq`khix...stop or discontinue with intention; call it off
  80. sQeaji...be careful; concerned; deliberate; watchful
  81. sQf...stroke; rub; pet
  82. sQo...wonder around
  83. suq...suck
  84. tafm...lick; taste
  85. thef...recline; lean on
  86. theh...to lift
  87. thviaf...to listen
  88. tiQo...jump
  89. tngr`khix...go home; go back
  90. tong...poke; hole
  91. tQr`leq...lying down
  92. tuhkw...doze
  93. zaiviar...be aware of
  94. zao...to run; to leave
  95. zefng...hit
  96. zhamsioong...discuss; confer
  97. zhoa...lead; guide; accompany; escort; show the way
  98. zhoafnkhuix...breathe
  99. zhoaq...to shake; to tremble; to shiver
  100. zhoarnsviu...fantasy
  101. zhorngsviar...do what
  102. zhoxng...to do; to create; to establish
  103. zhw...slide
  104. zhwn...more than enough
  105. zng...lick
  106. zuxn...shiver


  1. bae...ugly; mean
  2. bQ'eeng...busy
  3. bQzhae...too bad; regrettable
  4. chirnzhae...one or other; either way
  5. chiuchixn...pleasantly cool
  6. chvihun...strange; unfamiliar
  7. cidkoar...some; a little; a few
  8. cidsi'ar...a little bit
  9. cidsut'ar...a little bit
  10. ciQr...few
  11. eng'eeng...not busy
  12. gaau...clever; good at …; wise
  13. gong...stupid; silly
  14. hamban...incompetent; clumsy; unskillful
  15. hiaau...lascivious; lewd
  16. hiafm...hot; spicy
  17. hQfgiah...rich
  18. hQfkhafng...lucky; blessed
  19. hQfsex...settled; finished
  20. huiekhix...troublesome; difficult
  21. hvoahie...glad ; happy
  22. ientaau...handsome
  23. jixncyn...serious
  24. keksae...snobbish; snooty;
  25. khiao...clever; intelligent
  26. khiarngkhaf...shrewd; ambitious
  27. khoaelok...happy
  28. khofng...frantic; wild; maniac
  29. khor...bitter
  30. khunkhiam...hard-working and thrifty; diligent and frugal
  31. kiaam...salty
  32. kirn...fast
  33. kofix...gentle; mild; well-behaved
  34. kofzuy...cute
  35. koarnsix...used to; accustomed to
  36. kutlat...hard-working
  37. kvialaang...dirty; filthy; soiled
  38. lau...old
  39. lahsab...dirty; filthy
  40. lixpien...convenient
  41. og...bad; evil
  42. phahpviax...work very hard; exerting the utmost strength
  43. phvae...bad; evil
  44. phvaysex...embarrassed; shy; coy
  45. pintvoa...lazy
  46. sarnchiaq...poor; poverty
  47. segsai...familiar; reminiscent
  48. siab...rough; a slightly bitter taste that numbs the tongue
  49. siaolieen...young
  50. sien...tired; sick of
  51. simseg...interesting
  52. siok...cheap; not expensive
  53. siQfkhoar...some; a little; a few
  54. sngf...sour
  55. soong...hick; clownish; bucolic; stupid
  56. sQex...small; little
  57. suie...beautiful
  58. tarngsngf...stingy
  59. taxmpQqar...some; a little bit
  60. thiarm...tired
  61. thihkhie...stubborn
  62. thQfzex...prodigal; in expenditure
  63. tiaau...tight
  64. tiautit...honest and straight-forward
  65. toa...big
  66. tvy...sweet
  67. voax...late
  68. zar...early
  69. zhengkhix...clean
  70. zQe...plenty; many

Nouns - blood relation and relations by marriage

  1. acie...older sister
  2. acirm...the wife of one's father's younger brother
  3. afng...husband
  4. ahviaf...older brother
  5. akim...wife of maternal uncle
  6. akofng...grandfather
  7. aku...mother's brother
  8. amar...grandmother
  9. amr...the wife of one's father's older brother
  10. apeq...father's older brother
  11. azeg...father's younger brother
  12. bor...wife
  13. gyn'ar...kids
  14. hauxsvy...son
  15. khanchiuo...wife
  16. kviafsaix...son-in-law
  17. kviar...child; son
  18. mamaf...mother
  19. papaf...father
  20. Siensvy...Mr.; Sir
  21. simpu...daughter-in-law
  22. siQfmoe...younger sister
  23. siQfti...younger brother
  24. sixtoa...the senior; elder
  25. sun'ar...grandchildren
  26. takef...husband's mother
  27. takvoaf...husband's father
  28. tangmngg`ee...the men whose wives are sisters
  29. tangsai...the women whose husbands are brothers
  30. Thaethaix...Mrs.
  31. tviuxlaang...wife's father
  32. tviuxmr...wife's mother
  33. zabor-kviar...daughter
  34. zapof-kviar...son

Nouns describing body

  1. axmkurn...neck
  2. bagbaai...eye brow
  3. bagciw...eye
  4. chiuo...hands
  5. chiwkhiaw...elbow
  6. exhaai...lower jaw
  7. hengkharm...chest; thorax
  8. hvi...ears
  9. hvixkhafng...ear hole/ear
  10. hvixzw...ear lobe
  11. kengkahthaau...shoulder
  12. khachiuo...foot and hands
  13. khaf...legs
  14. khazhngf...buttocks
  15. na'aau...throat
  16. paktor...stomach
  17. phvi (phvi'ar)...nose
  18. sengkhw...trunk; body
  19. thaukhag...head
  20. thaumngg...hair
  21. thauzafng...hair
  22. toxzaai...belly button
  23. zhuie'extao...lower jaw
  24. zhuiekhie...teeth
  25. zhuietuun...lips
  26. zhuix...mouth

Nouns - general use

  1. kankhor...hardship
  2. loxiong...use
  3. miqkvia...thing
  4. paxnsex...condition; situation
  5. sapbuun...soap
  6. senglie...business
  7. sihnax...lightning
  8. sofzai...place; location
  9. taixcix...thing
  10. zhuopvy...neighbor

Nouns - Time

  1. armsii...at night; night time
  2. armthau'ar...evening
  3. au`jit...the day after tomorrow
  4. auxjit...some other day in the future
  5. bQmii-bQjit...day in day out
  6. cidtiafm'afkuo...only a little bit long
  7. cidtiap'afkuo...in a moment
  8. cirnzeeng...not long ago
  9. citmar...right now
  10. citzun...right now
  11. ehngf...tonight
  12. eng'axm...tonight
  13. etaux...this afternoon
  14. expof...afternoon
  15. extaux...afternoon
  16. hiexntai...modern
  17. hiQhjoah...summer vacation
  18. hiQhkvoaa...winter vacation
  19. jit`sii...day time
  20. joaqthvy...summer
  21. khahtheng'ar...in a very short time
  22. kin'afjit...today
  23. kinnii...this year
  24. kofzar...long long ago
  25. kQeakhix...in the past
  26. kuxnii...last year
  27. kvoathvy...winter
  28. Lefpaix-jit...Sunday
  29. min'afzaix...tomorrow
  30. Paix-id...Monday
  31. Paix-ji...Tuesday
  32. Paix-svaf...Wednesday
  33. Paix-six...Thursday
  34. Paix-go...Friday
  35. Paix-lak...Saturday
  36. sincviaf...lunar new year
  37. tangthvy...winter
  38. thao'axm...all night; very late at night
  39. thaomii...all night
  40. thaozar...very early in the morning
  41. thaozar-thao'axm...day or night
  42. thautwar...not long ago
  43. thvikngf...dawn; at dawn
  44. tiongtaux...noon
  45. tviaxtvia...quite often
  46. twciaq...just now; just a moment ago
  47. za'axm...last night
  48. zafban...sooner or later
  49. zafkhie...morning
  50. zahngf...yesterday
  51. zhunthvy...spring
  52. zQjit...the day before yesterday
  53. zuun`nii...the year before last year