Zhefngkar Tvoaf: Difference between revisions

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m (kehøefar)
m (→‎Gwsuu: kuy-ke'høefar)
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*{{gs|høex|歲|a person's age}}
*{{gs|høex|歲|a person's age}}
* {{gs|kuy-ke'høefar|規家伙仔}}
**{{gs|kuikef|規家|the whole family}}
**{{gs|kuikef|規家|the whole family}}

Revision as of 11:19, 3 January 2024

Zherng'kar Tvoaf (請假單; Request Time Off)

Lauxsw, E lefpaesvaf (5-gøeh zabji),
(Dear) Teacher: Next Wednesday (May 12),
si goarn-Amar 80-høex svejit.
is my/our grandmother's 80th birthday.
Goarn-Apaf bøeq zhoa goarn kuy-kehøefar tngfkhix zngkhaf,
My/our father is going to bring the whole family to the countryside,
ka Amar zøx svejit.
to celebrate grandma's birthday
Sofie goar 5-gøeh zabji sviuxbøeq ka lauxsw zherng cidjit-ar kar,
Therefore, for May 12, I would like to ask Teacher for one day leave,
hit'cidjit ee kongkhøx, goar øe ti zhux`niq zuxsiw,
that day's homework, I will study on my own at home.
bøe tamgo`tiøh, hibang lauxsw zurn kar.
without delay, hope Teacher may grant leave.
Hagsefng Taan Siux'efng kexng siong
Student Tan Siu-ing, Sincerely yours,
5-gøeh zhøelak
May 6th

