Taiguo: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Notes: gie/guo)
(Redirected page to Taioan'oe)
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{{GS|Taigie|t=5|臺語|spoken Taiwanese language}} / {{X2X|Taiguo}}
#redirect [[Taioan'oe]]
*The concept of ''Taiwanese'' originated during the [[Taioaan Jidpurn sitai|Japanese era]] ({{jid|臺灣語|Taiwan go}})
*Prior to this development, Hokkien language was referred to as [[Høxlør-oe|Hoklo]] or simply ''Chinese'', as in [[James W. Davidson]]'s ''The Island of Formosa'' and the works of [[Kafm Uiliim|William Campbell]]
*see also [[Taioan'oe]]
*[[Buun-peh-i-thak|literary reading]]

Revision as of 11:03, 7 February 2019

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