Taiguo Siong'iong 460-ji: Difference between revisions

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Line 194: Line 194:
| bøeq||欲||要/如果/快要||want; like
| bøeq||欲||要/如果/快要||want; like
| bøexhiao||未曉||不會||don’t know
| bøexhiao||未曉/袂曉||不會||don’t know
| bøexsae||未使||不可以||it can not be; be not able to
| bøexsae||未使||不可以||it can not be; be not able to
Line 224: Line 224:
| tiøqaix||著愛||須||have to
| tiøqaix||著愛||須||have to
Note on ''øexhiao'', ''øexsae'', etc, while written with ''øe''-, they are pronounced with ''e'' basically everywhere except Taipag. However, the ''bøe''- series is more varied across the island.

== Adverbs (Huosuu) ==
== Adverbs (Huosuu) ==


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